Yemisi Izuora
Agusto & Co. limited has assigned an “A- (f)” rating to Cordros Money Market Fund.
The rating assigned to Cordros Money Market Fund reflects the Fund’s adequate investment and risk management processes.
In the review period (February 2019 – January 2020), the Fund had good credit quality of underlying investments (minimum ‘Bbb’ rating) and maintained low exposure to interest rate risk by adhering to the 90-day WAM limit.
However, Cordros MMF’s exposure to credit risk was moderate with a significant portion of the Fund’s net assets skewed towards the minimum acceptable rating of ‘Bbb’.
Nonetheless, we note that the Fund Manager has an effective internal credit appraisal model that supports the assessment of potential counterparties. We therefore consider the Fund’s exposure to credit risk moderate.
Cordros MMF’s net assets grew by 57 per cent over the review period with moderate concentration risk on its asset holding base.
In addition, the Fund’s operations are supported by the Symplus software and the bespoke CORDFLOW software of the Fund Manager, which is sufficient for Cordros MMF’s level of activities.
“We therefore affirm the ‘A-(f)’ rating assigned to Cordros MMF. The rating expires on 28 February 2021. Funds rated ‘A-(f)’ are deemed to have low to moderate exposure to downside risk (impairment of net asset value) in the medium term.” it said.