Richard Ginika Izuora
Popular TV host, Trevor Noah has reacted on the way he feels the CNN has reported the ban imposed on Twitter President Muhammadu Buhari.
Noah, has accused CNN of hypocrisy and double standards, specifically with the way CNN anchor, Michael Holmes described Nigeria during the medium’s coverage of the recent Twitter ban.
He said CNN never gives the US the same kind of coverage over similar issues, saying Holmes, had described Nigeria as a country plagued by kidnappings, extremists and bandits.
Noah, a South African and host of the Daily Show, pointed out the bias. He cracked a few jokes about the Twitter ban but stated that the CNN anchor was out of line.
“Okay, as an African allow me to say what the f**k. I mean yes, that’s all true. But still, what the f**k? You never hear a foreign news anchor talking about the United States that way.”
Thereafter, Trevor Noah pretended he was an African news anchor doing a report about the United States. He also noted that if Nigeria has extremism, then America too has its own fair share.
“America is a country plagued by school shootings, extremist and failing infrastructure…But the government wants to raise the price of postage stamps,” he joked.
Furthermore, the popular comedian highlighted the Twitter ban in Nigeria in reference to former US President, Donald Trump’s battle with the medium.
Trump is permanently banned from using Twitter, Also, he is facing a two-year ban from Facebook for posts that were deemed to have incited violence and the infamous storming of the US Capitol by his supporters.
Noah joked that Trump probably is looking at the situation in Nigeria; wishing he could borrow a leaf from the Nigerian government.
“Shout out to African presidents, because they will always remind the world what a real dictator looks like. Because remember, when Twitter started flagging Trump’s tweets, all he did was throw a tantrum. You know, he’s got to be jealous as hell right now.”