Our Correspondent
The Director-General of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Hadiza Bala has been implicated in non remittances of taxes as the Federal Government looks into unremitted Value Added Tax deductions to Federal Inland Revenue Service by the organisation.
It is being suspected that Hadiza Bala had failed to remit VAT deductions; running into billions of naira and in foreign currency denominations to the FIRS.
Unconfirmed report said, “There are unremitted deductions to FIRS that include N3,667,750,470; $148,845,745.04; €4,891,449.50; as well as £252,682.14.”
This non-remittance may have led to the suspension of Hadiza Bala by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Report quoting Transportation Ministry sources stated on Saturday that the NPA was also being investigated; for contravening the policies of government with respect to the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility.
“The NPA under Hadiza Bala contravened government policy on the implementation of CSR projects/programmes; as well as its records relating to CSR fell short of the level of compliance with the Public Procurement Act, 2007,” the source stated.
The official alleged that the Presidency was shocked that there was no, or very scanty evidence of compliance; with the public procurement Act and that most of the CSR projects/programmes were inflated.
“The Presidency noticed that delivery of CSR items was not accompanied with delivery letters; and that in most cases, there was no evidence of actual items delivered and also who signed for them,” the official stated.
The source added, “Hadiza Bala must tell Nigerians why and how N4.2bn was spent in 2017; as against N29m in 2016 (on CSR), an increase of 14,310 per cent.”
The official further alleged that only between 2016 and 2018, at least N20bn of NPA’s financial transactions could not be traced, documented or explained.
On the concern that there was a procedural breach in asking Hadiza Bala to step aside for the investigation to commence; the source described this as “completely wrong.”
But Bala in a letter, with reference MD/17/MF/VOL-XX/541, dated May 5, 2021; and also addressed to the Chief of Staff to the President; said the NPA was however aware of Buhari’s approval for the FMoT to conduct an audit of the accounts of the NPA; as well as its remittances to the CRF.